
camel attack!

After too much time spent on goofiness and fancy pants (read the photo and colours) I am ready to start writing.

Because when it comes to a blog isn't the most important part the colours? If they're not ready the writing just doesn't matter. I even did a bit of html coding to make it look super pretty. I don't want to alarm anyone but I may be from the future.

In the future everyone is made of letters and semi colons. It's amazing.

But enough enough enough. I'm not going to set out exactly what the blog will be, mainly because I don't know, but also because I don't want to fence myself in. What I do know is this will last for more than one week!

So with a vague flip of my hand...this blog is about adventures in the city and all that entails. Verbatim accounts, creative commentary, maybe even some pictures or drawings. Hard to say. But I bet you can't wait!

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